
orangutans of Borneo

I don’t believe we blogged any pictures from our adventures on Borneo.. Don’t really know why. Our week in Borneo was a nature experience I never thought I would experience, but I’m glad we did. And maybe it took these months to let the overwhelming experiences sink in..

For example we went on a hike with a super professional guide, we hiked for four hours into the jungle and slept with a modern tribe family. Walked on bridges 20 meters up in the air totally made of bamboo. Petter was served eggs that came from a ducks uterus.. We hiked to waterfalls and ate what the forrest could give us.. I promise to tell you more about that later. Today we want to show you pics from our meeting with some beautiful orangutans. The orangutans are threaten by extermination and 90% of Borneos orangutan population has declined. It was amazing to see these creatures, they reminded me so much about us humans.. We were lucky to see the big alfa male too, he is the one with the big face.

Visit for more information about orangutans and other endangered species.

Gå in på den här länken om du är sugen på att bli orangutang-fadder. Vill också påpeka att det inte är jag som valt ut den sista bilden.. Det är Petter.

Linn: Jättebra bilder, förutom att jag ser ut som sju svåra år på sista bilden.
Petter: Det tog ju oss sju svåra år att ta oss dit.

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