In Mexico we met a man who jaw-dropped and burst out: “poor people, you’re from Sweden?! All you do in that dark country is to drink vodka and make babies”, when we told him we were Swedes. May not be completely true, even though I had too much vodka this weekend. But the fact that it’s dark from 15:30 pm until 08:30 am; 7 hours day light, could make anyone depressed.. The snow makes it a bit lighter though and Petter actually surfed yesterday! Despite that, we’re planning to escape this cold and dark country soon. Thank you for all your questions by the way, answers coming up soon.
Vilket fint mobilskal! Går det att skaffa någonstans?
Yes! Finns på, vi kommer lägga upp en rabattkod till dem snart så håll ögonen öppna!