Back surfing at Lazy left! This left hand point break get’s a lot of love and hate from us. Love when it provides a hollow take off and it’s long lazy lines for us to noseride or cut back on. It does that especially good on some swells and sometimes it just doesn’t provide any shoulder at all, that’s hate i guess. Love when we’er a crew sharing it and having fun and all different types of surf crafts, longboard, shortboard, whatever board.. It’s a relatively kind wave with an easy paddle out, so there’s a lot of people that paddle out that really shouldn’t be at a point break. Hate that. Especially hate when it’s get crowded with beginners, as it does in dec/jan and everybody get washed by the inside of the first set wave and then ruin set after set. Love the mellow vibe that Midigama has, the town where the wave is located. Hate that some Colombo dude is building something big and ugly just in front of it.. But love always wins over hate, right?
Jisses vilka bilder. Så vackra att ögonen svider!
Åh jag bara älskar era underbara bilder!
Where should you go to learn surfing as a beginner in Sri Lanka?
Hey nina! You can come and stay with us if you like and we can show you nice surfspots for beginners, get you in touch with surfschools and so on. Or if you want to check it out on your own head over to Weligama, that’s a good spot to start!