India; structured chaos or to be honest I’m not sure I can say it’s structured. There is a kind of system of the chaos but it takes some time to see it. Our flight landed in New Delhi and as soon as we sat our feet outside of the arrival doors the chaos begun. It felt like entering a rock concert and then we started a bumpy ride in to the heart of New Delih. Haha, I don’t know how to describe it! Six hours, one taxi, some walking, six people who tried to fool us, one tuktuk and one man who took us and our bags on his bicycle later we found a hotel and I didn’t dare to leave it for the following hours. When Petter finally forced me to come out I got to experience some of the best food in my life! Funny, friendly people and an amazing smell of shit, flowers and spices mixed together. You have to know where you’re going or at least look like you know otherwise your domed to be fooled around.
But that’s the city, we continued south to Kerala and the beautiful countryside close to the sea. Thousands of miles of untouched beaches and waves with no surfers on them just begging to be surfed! And then we have the smaller cities with no tourist around where you can make friends with the locals, laugh together, eat their amazing food, get blessed in their temples in exchange for a pen and take pictures. Probably the most camera loving peoples so far, all could be Bollywood stars!