
Sunshinstories Family, Sweden, Torekov

the light

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The light in Torekov is something special, especially when reflected on the windows coated with all the salt from the sea. Spent many summer days in my mother’s friend Helena’s house. Probably the best location in Torekov, talk about a house with a view, in front of the famous Morgonbryggan. It’s so strange that I

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On gray, cold days..

3 Comments’s summer days like this that keep me warm: Pics from when me & petter still were in school. One eventing we escaped to the beach and talked and talked and talked about travels and adventures. Can’t believe our dreams are coming true now.

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Skate, Sweden

Skatepark i Brunnsparken

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jag o nick blev intervjuade av alva på sveriges radio p4 kristanstad igår. det handlade om skateparken och om opinionsundersökningen som hade sista datum i fredags. i hd stod det i torsdag preleminära siffror på opinionsundersökningen där och brunnsparken hamnade sist. efter helgens siffror hoppar den upp på förstaplats! AWESOMENESS!! det visar att det är

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