one of those dinners
One of those nice dinners out on town. Not that we have cooked home even once on this trip, but still one of the better ones. For dessert: outdoor jazz! Tomorrow we’re going to El Salvador, can’t wait!
One of those nice dinners out on town. Not that we have cooked home even once on this trip, but still one of the better ones. For dessert: outdoor jazz! Tomorrow we’re going to El Salvador, can’t wait!
we have met soo many awesome friends travelling. for us, i think travelling is probably more about the people you meet than the places you visit. below is from a kuta lombok where we were big group of friends and friends of friends who hanged out together for a week. it was soo awesome and
We met an awesome cuple in Polhena, Victor and Anne (later re-named to mum & dad). Together we took a bus to Embilitya to visit the national park Uda Walawe early next day. On te evening we went out on a hunt for the restaurant that lonley planet said had “good food”. After a walk
nescoffe and some cookies from the sri lankan bake tradition, dhal (great mix of lentils and spices), chilli-cocos (yumyum), and rock fruit (a big spikey fruit which you can cook delicious meals of)
Denna helgen var helgen då det hölls den årliga gåsamiddagen hos Eva. Utan gås med valnötsfärs och numera kyckling. Och en rackarns massa lundgrenare, nu även jag och Lukas. Redan första dagen jag träffade Linns mamma, för andra gången i mitt liv, fick jag höra om middagen. Två år med Linn och jag har missat
kom precis hem från en finfin eftermiddag och kväll med en del av min kära familj!