
Malmö, Skate, Sweden

sun’s back

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Yesterday, our facebook and instagram feeds where full of bright, sunny images, with everyone telling us spring is here. The snow is apperently gone in Malmö. And it was as if the whole south part of Sweden felt it. The birds felt it. The dogs felt it. The outdoor beerdrinking guys felt it. Everyone. Even

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Svea and the dogs


Joined my little sister Svea when she played around with the puppies. Love hanging around with her. And she loves hanging around with the dogs. 8 weeks old toy / shih-tzu and about to be sold and handed away.. uhuhuh..

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el perro del mar

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This dog has the most amazing story. She was found on the highway by some people who brought her to a camp ground where we stayed. And the whole camp ground community were taking turn taking care of her. One night she would sleep in Amber’s bungalow, the next in Sebastian’s tent and even I

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