Sayulita is filled with small shops, but Gypsy Galeria really stands out from the rest. It’s Israel’s girlfriend Kelly who together with her parents run the store. They travel all over Mexico to collect these treasures. Luckily for my budget I have to think twice before buying anything cause we carry everything we own on our backs. Too bad for my back these stuffs where so pretty and cheap compared to european measurements that I just couldn’t resist buying small things every time I went in the store..
Okej, svenskar där hemma. Jag shoppade typ allt jag ville; en väska, liten börs, armband och sjal för 45 svenska kr. Kan inte bli bättre!
SNYGG VÄSKA tjejen bär!!! ÅH! Det där är verkligen en “Linnaffär”!
You had a painting of a girl with flowers coming out of her head. Do you still have it?