
Surf, Thoughts

Why all surfers should vote green


For foreign readers, we have something called the super-election-year in Sweden, meaning we have both an election to EU as well as the Swedish election during the same year. The EU election is this sunday, the 25th of may so the politic debate is hectic at the moment. So why should surfers vote green? Well.

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Malmö, Skate, Sweden

March Mix


We’ve been pretty off-the-blog lately. Sorry about that. And it wasn’t long ago that we told you we thought about blogging less from Sweden and only focusing on our travels, but many readers commented and emailed about that asking us to post more from Sweden. So we listen, and here it comes! We will try

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Jag har gått och blivit miljöpartist

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Morsan har startat upp Miljöpartiet i Båstad med ett gäng glada människor. Och det är inte BARA därför som jag har gått och blivit medlem. Jag har gått och blivit miljöpartist i båstad för att jag vill. Det behöver göras så himla massa saker här ute på Bjäre. Och inte tänker jag låta gubbarna på

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