One day I often think of this day. I’ve had it in my mind on many yoga nidras, when they ask me to think of a place where I’m happy and free. Felt so rad when I found these pics in the archive and they’re just like I remember it. The light, the feeling. I haven’t edited any of the pictures other than resizing them.
It was on Sri Lanka last year, I was in a bad mood. My surfing sucked, I remember I cried after a session that was just the worst ever. Petter convinced me on going for lunch at Wijaya, I blogged about it here. After that we just grabbed our few belongings and started walking up the coast along the beach. Until we decided to catch a bus and walked up a path to an abandoned house with a mystic cat. It was almost impossible to get a bus to stop . Finally one stopped and we jumped on. Payed 20 rupees each, 0.2 dollars. I remember feeling so free. And in love.
The day after was one of my best surf days on that trip. Everything just fell into place.. By the way, favorite song right now.
Thanks Chloe, glad you like it. It was a beautiful day.