We are blessed with some sun in this part of the world, for like three months of the year. I can’t find any stats of exactly how many hours of sun we have got but anyway, Petter looked in to solar energy and decided it sounded like a good option for our little cabin. He found this site very helpful www.24volt.eu. Petter talked to a friendly man who guided us through the jungle of different volt etc. A few days later three big packages arrived and after some fixing we had light! We’re using two packs of this energy-savings lamps from Ikea. Works fine. We just have to attach them properly, right now we’re using our all time favorite: tape. We also can lug in our computers and phones to charge. So far we have never run out of power!
By the way, for Swedes thinking of buying solar cells: Svenska staten lägger på en strafftull på solcells paneler från Kina (Asien) vilket betyder att priset kommer gå upp. Börjar gälla nu i augusti någon gång.
Har ni omvandlare till 220v för datorerna? eller laddar ni dem via 12/24v?
mvh erik
Tjabba! Har en biltema omvandlare. Drar ca 20% mer ström. Kör ett batteri på 100amph och aldrig laddat ur än. Funkar super.