Accommodation, Nicaragua, Surf

with the bing family

We spent a lot of time at that amazing beach break in Costa Rica, we where acutally there for three whole weeks and got to excperience the local easter celebrations and all. But we are in a hurry to show you our whole travel route, actually we only have three nights left on our trip, then we are off home on a plane to Sweden. We’ll show you more from Costa Rica soon, promise.

Here’s from our last week which we spent with Matt & Margaret aka Bing surfboards at this amazing all inclusive surf camp in Nicaragua. We got to know a bunch of new cool people and surf some epic sessions together the whole group. Can you imagine 13 stoked surfers on a one week trip with more bing boards than people, unlimited amount of beer, off shore all days and cranking waves just in front of the pool? I can’t and I still excsperienced it..

Here’s a sneak peak, there’s a lot more to come from this week as well.

Thanks everyone who where with us and made this week so fantastic! And super-duper-thanks to Matt & Margaret who set this whole thing up. And making all the boards we surf.. It so rad, we kinda started our trip with Bing in California, and now we have kind of ended it with them in Nicaragua. Only that we have been bussing down moving further south every day since then, and they flew down when we got close enough to our end. Awesome. Thanks.

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