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California, Press, Things we like

Sea to Summit

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Sea to Summit is sponsoring us with their whole range of lightweight travel equipment which includes a tent that folds as big as a coca cola bottle, sleeping bags that can fit in the palm of your hand, travelpillows, musquitonet and packing cells for all kinds of stuff, toiletery bags, wires, you name it. We

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Sunset on highway 1

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We headed back to San Francisco to meet Ballen, to look at the beautiful landscape along high way one, to taste some wine, and maybe most important, to collect a huge box of stuff from our sponsor Sea to Summit. Wait and see guys and enjoy this sunset until then!

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California, Restaurants


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On our last night in Encinitas Margaret our personal super-woman-host-surfer-shaperswife took us to the most classic hamburger place in Southern California, IN-N-OUT. Now that´s a burger.. Over here in the states it´s all about good burgers and this is defenitly one of the best. To half the price of a Swedish McDonalds burger, made of

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California, Things we like

Our Bing boards


Hanging out with the Bing Surfboard team in their factory in Encinitas, San Diego was the high light of our California stay. We were able to walk around and see, feel and smell the process of perfect boards take shape, with a Pacifico Clara beer in our hand. It was harder to choose which boards

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California, Surf

The perfect San-O day


A great day at legendary San-O (San Onofre). If you go to San-O you call it a San-O day, cuz it´s such a great wave you will end up spending all day there. It´s a longboarders paradise with a wave breaking for ever from peaks all along the shore. We went there with the the

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California, Surf

Icons of surf

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Icons of Surf is located in San Clemente, California. It´s your place if you are looking for a classy Bing board bacuase it´s just full of them. We have never ever before been in a store with as many retro longboards, twinfins or singlefins in stock so this was like paradise in perfection. Check it

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California, Surf

Breakfast in Encinitas


Grab something from a coffeshop, why not the best one in town, head down and check the surf while eating it, then surf. Work starts at about 11 if the surf is awesome and bit earlier if it´s not. That´s how a typical morning looks like for guys working at bing. I can´t believe it,

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