today i swam with a seaturtle as big as me
this is one of the absolutley coolest experiences i´ve ever had. even cooler than watching the blue whales yesterday!! i´ve heard you could get see these animals around here, so a few days ago me and linn took our snorkeling stuff with us and walked along the beach on a misson to find em. we
new trip, new logo, new vimeo channel new day and a brand new facebook page. check´em out, like them, have a whiskey, anyway, have a great day! now we are off to buy some train tickets!
jag och linn är påväg till länder i asien vi drömt om att åka till. vi ska surfa varma vågor långs med strander det hänger palmer över. för att tacka adjö slängde ihop lite film från i höstas, bättre kväll än så går det inte att ha på hemmaplan och genast blev man sugen på
vinäger, vi äger
sjukaste artonårsdagen, grattis sunna och tack alla för en episk kväll!
This day was one of our most epic days on our last journey. Imagine one of the coolest islands in the world, with loads and loads of culture, strong religion and old traditions. Imagine the whole island throwing a party on the same day, based on their strong island belief. That was what this day