Bali, Travels






The pink bathroom and the stonewalls feels a bit like Hollywood 1950, don’t you think?
Me and petter take turns of how’s gonna do the laundry. Sometimes we think the hotel charges to much to do it for us.. And I think it is quite nice to work with my hands, to squeeze out all the water and clap it against the bucket and feel like I’m living in a time before the washingmachines.. Hehe. I’m not sure if my boyfriend agrees.. This day in our outdoor bathroom in Kuta Beach, Bali it took him three hours to wash two towels, a half dussin of underwear and a pair of shorts.. Time is money, so I think would be cheaper to hand it in.

P.S: To his defense he claims that it was “like three t-shirts too”. D.S


  • Haha, but LINNN you forgot to add that it was only two and a half hour. pretty precisely actually! haha i suck!

  • Ahhw, we went to Bali this summer lived in the same hostel in Kuta..! Ahhw so many good memories.. and god, the bathroom was… so freaky.. I always thought animals (snakes and huge geckos) would attack from the opening in the roof (where all the plants where) at night when I took a (COOOLD!) shower.. haha.. omg..

    Take care an enjoy!

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