Restaurants, Sri Lanka


Our last day on Sri Lanka we were going to spend in the capital Colombo. We got some really good tips from our friends Holger & Totte who lived on Sri Lanka for a long time. Our plan was to buy a day pass to Galle Face Hotel and relax in their luxiouros pool just next to  the ocean. I was just gonna run by Barefoot  to buy a sarong and some gifts..

We ended up spending the whoole day at Barefoot. For you who don’t know what Barefoot is it can be described as an oasis in the hectic capital.  Don’t let the very insignificant and discreet entré misguide you, the further in you get in the never ending building the more you will love it.

At first you’ll find a beutiful colur ocean of textiles and home decoreting stuffs, then you’ll go down the stairs and find just as coulorful clothes in amazing quality, handwowen and handmade buy local women. You’ll also find fantastic photoalbums and writing books coverd with diffrent coulored fabrics. Then you will step into the air conditioned book shop with cool coffe table books and intresing reading from allover the world.

Next in line is some more handicrafts, but after that you’ll be out in a huge backyard with both a restaurant and a gallery.

Petter & I orderd cuttle fish & jumbo prawns that tasted like a little bit of heaven. We wanted to celebrate a fantastic Sri Lanka trip with and orderd a sauvigon blanc from South Africa. After the first sip it feelt like being thrown back to the wineyards of South Africa that we experienced las year. So worth it. And on top on that choclate brownie, lemon cheese cake and wifi to dessert.

After the amazing dinner we shopped til we almost dropped. A perfect day in the city! But it got even better, cause a old lady commented on Petters haircut and thought he was the guy she met at the barber. He wasn’t. But she showed out to be Barbra Sansoini herself. The women who’s the founder of Barefoot. Barbra was borned and raised on Sri Lanka and as an attempt to give all the low status Sri Lankan women a proffesion and money she started Barefoot. Today the company has 3500 employees.

Petter and I got to sit and have chat with here and that was just the perfect ending on our Sri Lankan adventure.


  • Jag sa ju att man inte ska missa Barefoot, kul att ni gillade det. Vi förstår precis hur ni känt er, barefoot är precis det man behöver efter en tids vistelse i SL. Gode gud vad jag vill ha stringhopers till frulle.

  • Ja jäklar ja!! Det var najs, jag köpte massa flummiga skjortor och klassiska lankianska saronger. Kände mig som en kvinna som blev påklädd av tusen expiditer, prettywoman – man version typ, rätt najs! Stort tack för alla tips! Vi har nu ox¨blivit förälskade i ön, en ö till, jobbiggt. hahah. ha det gött! petter & linn

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