Sri Lanka

Misty morning

This morning was so foggy you couldn’t even see the waves in the ocean. So we decided to just take a walk along the railroad and take a glimpse of the simple and beautiful life people live in this village. The railroad works more as a road for walking than a road for trains. There’s only that few trains coming through but it’s enough to keep it an open space trough the thick jungle. The houses along the railroad even have their entrances towards it. We watched as parents got ready to go to work, and kids getting ready to catch the school bus. Most hosues are not more than 30 square meters big, that’s like 100 square ft. Most of them are not made of more than a few concrete blocks and a plastic ceiling. Still they house bigger families than you can imagine. The plots are small, but many times big enough so that the kids can build their house right next to their parents, brothers and sisters. So this village just as most villages are just a big cluster of houses sitting right next to each other, going on for miles and miles, with the smallest concrete streets winding around them through the jungle. A few of the houses are from the colonial times, looking really beautiful but still kind of getting lost to the jungle due to bad maintenance. I can imagine when the times when they were the only houses around. People that afford taking care of their buildings often paint them in bright colors of yellow, pink and green. This morning just like every morning the monks in the nearby temple shanted beautifully as the sun was rising, they use loud speakers so that the whole village will hear. Beautiful huh?

This morning was so foggy you couldn’t even see the waves in the ocean. So we decided to just take a walk along the railroad

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walking through the mist as the monks are shanting at the nearby temple, beautiful huh?

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we watched as parents got ready to go to work, and kids getting ready to catch the school bus. i took this kids picture, she loved it and ran to her parents to tell them, so i asked her if i could email the photo to her, and she said, yes, just tell the post office, ahangama – near gas station – they will now… erhm, OK.

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A few of the houses are from the colonial times, looking really beautiful but still kind of getting lost to the jungle due to bad maintenance. I can imagine when the times when they were the only houses around

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Most houses are not more than 30 square meters big, that’s like 100 square ft, with simple plastic or metal used as roof

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a typical sri lankan home, that’s compact eco living right there, only that they want to live like us, and we are chasing the life and knowledge to live just as they still are

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light switch to one of the street lights, we haven’t figured out completely how it works, but I think every street have their responsibility to turn it on and off, or maybe there is someone that goes up and down all the streets on sri lanka turning them on and off, either way I just love these kind of solutions, they are not perfect in any way, but they are simple and yet working some way or another

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one of our neighbours, they live in a really nice but worn down colonial house

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