Malmö, Sweden

Good Old Mornings

Aside doing this blog and stuidyng Media here in Malmö we are also running a company together, freelancing with Digital Media & Online communication. One of our bigger projects is the communication of our family restaurant and it’s really fun using our skills to reach out and communicate with our guests, especially since many of them we only meet physically during the summer.

Doing this we have  been working together with a digital bureau in Malmö called Good Old. As their customers we got invited last friday to listen to Martin berg aka Dr.Berg who is one of their employees and a scientist in media presenting his three year science project regarding social media and what it really is, ending with few quick tips of what we should think of to take the communication with our buisnesses into the next year.

The morning lived up to it’s name, beeing a good morning. And it’s interesting, because all of this is what we have been reading on about in school the last few months + more of course. And we have also been to the Media Evolution city on an educational visit as students, as well as custmers to one of the bureaus there. That said, I am so stoked about my education in Media & Communication at Malmö university, and Linn about her’s in Information Architecture it’s spot on with what’s up in the branch giving us the hard earned theoretical behind it all.

Thanks for an interesting morning Good Old! And don’t forget to check them out if you want to see how a cool Digital Agency in Media Evolution City looks like.


  • Hej Linn och petter! Vad vill ni arbeta med i framtiden? Hur ser era drömmar ut? Var vill ni vara om 3,5 och tio år?

  • Vad kul att du frågar!

    Jag vill nog göra precis det vi gör idag. Fast bättre. Vill vara färdigutbildad, ha startat upp ett eget lite större företag, förmodligen på internet så att jag/vi fortfarande kan bestämma över vår egen tid, fortfarande kunna resa, surfa och inspireras som vi gör. Om 10 år vill jag ha en bas hemma i Torekov och en utomlands och kanske till och med lyckats föra över mina föräldrars restaurang till nästa generation. Men det är nuläget som gäller! /Petter

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