
Food, Panama

Ceviche in a plastic cup


This raw fish dish, marinated in citrus fruits and chile has been around us all the way through central america. The places we’ve had it on haven’t been super, since it’s raw it’s so important it’s fresh. So we haven’t had very good excperiences of it even tough we love it soo much, and it’s

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Food, Guatemala, Restaurants


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After a couple of nights out in the jungle we were super happy for a clean room, some nice food and good drinks. We stayed at a hotel that was just by the lake and we took a dip before enjoying sunset from one of the restaurants. Hola Guatemala, I think I’m gonna like you!

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Food, Mexico

Camp Linn


The beach here is amazing. The only building on the beach is the restaurant which is a palapa/bungalow made of bamboo etc and easily could be taken down and poff, suddenly you would have an untouched beach with a beautiful wave in front of it! Kind of hard to find 2012. It’s the community who

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Food, Mexico, Restaurants

La feria

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We went up to the small town at the crossroads, they had a fair, they call it “la feria” and the the rides where gnarly.  We had delicious food and so much fun at a local restaurant overlooking the whole thing. Look at those blue corn tortillas, best tortilla we’ve ever had.

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Food, Mexico, Thoughts

mucho mango + a blue fish

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Avocados, papayas, bananas I loove it! We stayed at a place where it took forty minutes to an hour to get the food you ordered, then the avocados came in very handy! But while waxing his board I think Petter wanted to eat his Bing fish..

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Food, Inspiration, Surf, Sweden

Nordic Surfers MAgazine #13 – moose cover

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Idag har Mat släppt nya maget! En sjukt fet cover som tydligen ska täcka en ny säkert ännu skönare layout! LÄNGTAR tills den dimper ner hemma i lådan. Är ni brädsportare måste ni skaffa ett ex, de finns på pressbyrån o lite överallt. Kolla in Today our friend Mat has released his new issue

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Food, Sweden

vin & recept

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Tänker på min storebror Ib när jag avnjuter ett glas vin och läser goda recept.. Boken Under valnötsträdet är så himla inspirerande och innehåller många maträtter som får mig att tänka på vår resa. Mhhm, och att önska mig ett eget kök fullproppat med alla ingredienser som krävs för att skapa lite god magi. Dessutom

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