Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers 1

Here’s the answers to our first “Questions & Answers”-session ever. See the original post here. There were so many questions so we split the answers up in a few posts, so don’t worry, there is more answers to come. And if there’s anything you want to know, just ask.

How did it all start? I’am curious of how you did when you started to make a business of running the blog?

We started the blog in the autumn of 2009, just before we finished high school, said good bye Sweden and went on our first long trip together. The purpose of the blog was to gather all our pictures and share our trip with friends and family. We did a second trip and the blog grew with us. More readers made it more fun to post stuff often. We met so many inspiring people on the road and came up with the idea to capture them and their essence with our cameras and small question sheets for the people at home. It evolved naturally, like a snowball.


How did you get the sponsors?



Before our third trip 2011 we started to talk with different companies we felt shared our dream of traveling and exploring. We got so many no’s. But also many YES’! Our best advice is to e-mail, e-mail, e-mail… And call. And don’t break down because of 20 no’s, there’s always a yes hiding somewhere. All of these companies are getting spammed with emails about sponsorships so you really have to be honest, smart and not ask for to much to get them on the hook. In the end, if it works, you will both grow a lot together, that’s a good sign. But it’s not only a dance on roses, it’s hard work to collaborate and you will have to give a lot.


Do you have any other interests besides traveling, photography and surfing? 

Food.. We both love to cook and EAT good food. Interior is a interest that has come to live now when we have our own apartment. We love to go to flea markets.  And I, Linn, love to sew small bags (even though I sew like I’m blinde) and make small jewelry and stuff. Pyssla, is a good word for it in Swedish. Någon som vet vad man kan kalla det på engelska?


Best travel destination in Sweden? 



We’re ashamed to say we haven’t traveled to much in Sweden. A road trip should be the next project.  Torekov, our home village we must say is pretty nice. Its one of the typical old fishing villages in south Sweden, has a nice Swedish scenery surrounding it. Take the boat out to Väderön, the island outside. Dalarna is super beautiful too, in the middle of Sweden. Visit Leksand and the lake Siljan. If you want a city vaccation then Stockholm is extremely beautiful but the people are more nice in Malmö. We’d recommend you to enjoy the ecological restaurants, tiny second hand shop’s and the daily fruit market on and around Möllan. Take the train over to Copenhagen for the day!


Best travel music? 



Beirut is the first that comes to my mind. Oh how we listened to “the Flying Club Cup” and “the Gulag Orkestra” in our iPod’s while flying above the clouds or in a shaky bus ride to the deepest of djungels. Sometimes no music can be best though, at least when you’re traveling with people you never met before. So many storys can wander from strangers hearts to your ear when you don’t have earphones on.


Linn: Petter’s best and worst feature! 



That he’s too stubborn sometimes and knows when I’m hungry.

Petter: Linn’s best and worst feature! 



That she doesn’t understand when she’s hungry and that she’s such a social genius.


What were your favorite cities / places on the trip in the U.S., Mexico, etc.?


In California we enjoyed Big Sur, Bolinas, Napa Valley, San Francisco and the little gem Encinitas in San Diego. We travelled along the high way one which was really beautiful. We were only in Cali for about 2 weeks so we must look at it as a whole and it was an absolutely amazing experience. Mexico became one of our top 3 countries (together with Sri Lanka and Bali). I don’t wanna write any specific beaches since they still some very “not known” ones. The whole atlantic coast is filled with magic places. Go there and you shall find. The village Sayulita is quite known now I reckon, start there and travel south. Why not all the way to Panama?


Do you have any does and don’ts when it comes to back packing? 


Hm, don’t follow the guidebooks to much. Then you’ll only end up with the rest of the europeans and americans. It’s good to know some hard facts before you go but talk to the locals, they know the best places to eat and visit. People are what you’ll remember over places, so get to know the locals and learn their language, that’s the key. Don’t be afraid, be street smart. Bring a fever thermometer. And a camera. Don’t take all the vaccins the try to sell you. Me and Petter have been fine with vaccin for Hepatitis A , B and Yellow Fever.




  • i would also love to hear more about your photographic journey, where did you learn the basics that made you guys grew as photographers before heading out on your travel? i think i read somewhere about some ex teacher of yours, so i guess you did tooks some kind of photocourse. what camera and lenses do you use? please more info about your tecniques

  • Okey! We’ve had some similar questions earlier actually. We’re gonna try to make a whole post about our photographic journey. Thanks btw, that will make a great topic of it!

  • hur går det med pluggandet, pluggar ni fortfarade eller vad gör ni om dagarna om inte? vad vill ni arbeta med i framtiden? vad eller hur mycket pengar fick ni från sponsorerna när ni reste? på vilket sätt fick ni hjälp etc?

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