California, Surf

Locals only

This is one of those places that only exists in dreams. It´s a hidden little village along the high way one with no signs left saying it even exists. At first we tought the locals in the town must be mad at the locals at the surf for taking the signs down all the time making business bad for all the shops and so on. But so wasn’t the case. The whole village is a secret spot. An own hippie community in nowhere with a scene as hippie as you ever could imagine. People looked at us like, what are you doing here, you’re not a hippie, people smoked weed on the streets and everywhere. Well streets and streets, there was one street with small little hippie shops lost in time and one full of all the surfers cars and camping cars. That´s it. But there was interesting wierd people in every little corner living separate life from all the surfers coming there. And the surfers where in their own world. It said locals only everywhere and it seemed to be a rough perfect tubing shoulder high wave. But in time for me to get my wetsuit on and get in the water a few sandbars lined up perfect breaks along the whole beach. I had some awesome north cali waves on my new bing board, in the sunset on my totally own peak. One of those sessions you don’t forget.



  • I love your blog and check it daily. Way to wear the colors guys. I hope Margaret gave you enough shirts for your trip.

  • Thanks for your kind comment Bing! Are you going to be in Nicaragua in April? We would love to meet you. We are so glad you like the blog, we are proud to surf your colors and they are so cool they kinda promotes themselves just carrying them around. /Petter

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