Friends, Inspiration, Nicaragua, Surf

looking back: margaret & the seea

Petter and I are back to normal again. Or not normal, I don’t think we will ever be normal after this trip. Whatever normal is… But we’re working full time on a project together that not involves this blog, it’s very exiting! However we don’t want the blog to be filled with boring pictures of us in front of our computers so instead we’re gonna show you the pics from our week in Nicaragua with the Bing team.

Staring with some of amazing Margaret in Seea suits. Margaret has been one of the key figures on this trip. She took us in to her and Matt’s home in Encinitas, California, showed us San O, brought us to a kick ass New Year’s party when we had forgot it was New years, hooked us up with delicious boards, dried our wetsuits and sent them home to Sweden, introduced us to so many amazing people that I can’t even count them, always been just an e-mail away, gave me one of her favorite hats, went out and whitewater surfed INT boards with me in Nicaragua, surfed barreling waves with Petter and so on, so on.. Margaret, thank you so much for being the amazing person you are! You are like our Californian sister and we miss you so much!

Here’s pictures of Marg chilling at the pool in her San O suit and further down she’s ripping in her Swami’s playsuit.

A cute detail on the Seea suits is the tag that is handmade and contains a hair band that actually is the best hair band I’ve used for years! Love it! Made in sunny California! More info at


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