African light
A beautiful evening in Camps bay, South Africa. A warm light and a super cold ocean, like the country itself; filled with contrasts. More beauty and more sorrow than your eyes can take. Pics from the winter months we spent there 2010.
A beautiful evening in Camps bay, South Africa. A warm light and a super cold ocean, like the country itself; filled with contrasts. More beauty and more sorrow than your eyes can take. Pics from the winter months we spent there 2010.
Ibland känns hela resan som något jag drömt… När jag tänker tillbaka på alla fina minnen och stunder så känns det alldeles för bra för att vara sant. Därför är jag sjukt glad att vi (läs Petter) kånkade runt på en dator och stor kamera. Det var så värt det! Visst förstår jag dem som
now I’m gonna close my eyes, sleep and hope that when I wake up my view is gonna be like this! utsikten från sängen jag och petter sov i när vi bodde i Camps Bay, hade varit SÅ gött at vakna upp till den imorgon..
Camps Bay is situated on the hills of Table Mountain, facing the big blue sea. With mighty Lion’s Head to the right and a never ending coastline to the left. The town is winding roads framed with lush verdure and luxurious villas ending at the seaside with a boulevard. And the light, oh buddha, look
sundowners from the balcony in camps bay. an awesome week here and around cape town. the time we´ve spent together with the whole family could´nt have been better. too much stories to tell. happines! things happening every hour of every day. south africa has really been just as fantastic as we´ve hoped, even better. plans