

Wilden Renate

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Salon Zur Wilden Renate in Berlin. Have no words for this night. It was just insane. One big old apartment buidling in the middle of nowhere with dancefloors, staircases and little rooms everywhere. Felt as one giant houseparty. We left at 4isch and the line was just getting longer outside as they are open until noon the

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Panama, Restaurants

wraps at Tantalo


Took a cab to Casco Viejo, the old town of Panama City. Completely different the modern part of the city where we stayed. Nice with contrasts! Our first stop was Tántalo, a restaurant with very nice wraps for lunch!

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Shake Shack on Broadway

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We had been in a gigantic camerastore all day and where in desperat need for food and right away please. We thought about the burgers Sofie posted about on her blog and they would be soo sweet. We didn’t remember the name of the place so we asked the doorman at the camerastore, we are

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some some awesome

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Some pics from my “inspiration”-map. Amazing board from shaper Thomas Bexon and some clothing from Free people. Sure, it’s nice that the autumn is here with cosy days inside and windy nordic surf outside. Cold water stoke in all it’s glory. But my cup of tea in this world is sunshine, bikinis, sand between my

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