
California, Surf

Locals only


This is one of those places that only exists in dreams. It´s a hidden little village along the high way one with no signs left saying it even exists. At first we tought the locals in the town must be mad at the locals at the surf for taking the signs down all the time

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Bali, Travels


1 Comment

This day was one of our most epic days on our last journey. Imagine one of the coolest islands in the world, with loads and loads of culture, strong religion and old traditions. Imagine the whole island throwing a party on the same day, based on their strong island belief. That was what this day

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Friends, Laos

monk excursion


One day we decided to go visit some temples. We met some amazing young men who had come from northern Laos to get an education. The only way for most people to get that, is to leave your family and become a novice (the step before becoming a monk) in one of Luang Prabangs 33

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