
Friends, Laos

monk excursion


One day we decided to go visit some temples. We met some amazing young men who had come from northern Laos to get an education. The only way for most people to get that, is to leave your family and become a novice (the step before becoming a monk) in one of Luang Prabangs 33

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vang vieng

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Vang vieng är ett så diffust så jag vet inte vad.. En liten pisshåla mitt bland bergen i laos som det tar riktigt lång tid att resa till.. Ändå är där proppat av backpackers, och finns det backpackers så finns det guesthouses och öl, eller det har iaf invånarna i Vang Vieng sett till. Hela

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Laos, Travels



okey laos really chocked us. such a cool place! and everything is green. totally green. the busride was horrible tough. tonight we crossed the border at the mekong river and after that we changed buss. and what a bus.. me and linn had to take turns to sit on a blue plastic chair in the

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