
Accommodation, El Salvador


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Our collaboration with Wavecation started right here, at Tortuga Lodge in Sunzal/El Tunco. This place had a great location right in front of a peeling lefthander that just never went flat.  If you looked a little bit more to your left you saw the loong left hand point of Sunzal. We had a greaat time

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California, Surf

Locals only


This is one of those places that only exists in dreams. It´s a hidden little village along the high way one with no signs left saying it even exists. At first we tought the locals in the town must be mad at the locals at the surf for taking the signs down all the time

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California, Restaurants


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On our last night in Encinitas Margaret our personal super-woman-host-surfer-shaperswife took us to the most classic hamburger place in Southern California, IN-N-OUT. Now that´s a burger.. Over here in the states it´s all about good burgers and this is defenitly one of the best. To half the price of a Swedish McDonalds burger, made of

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Shake Shack on Broadway

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We had been in a gigantic camerastore all day and where in desperat need for food and right away please. We thought about the burgers Sofie posted about on her blog and they would be soo sweet. We didn’t remember the name of the place so we asked the doorman at the camerastore, we are

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Bali, Surf, Thoughts



det finns inte många semesterstränder som är lika häftiga som katalogbilderna. men det finns en som är häftigare, det kan idus också skriva under på. uluwatu. hör du? bara genom att ljuda kombinationen av bokstäver så blir man sjukt nyfiken på vad som finns där bakom dem. eller hur? och det är något fint, det

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