Sunshinestories Family

Meet Mitch & Ellen

Me and Petter are so proud and excited to introduce you to Mitch and Ellen, the couple who’s managing Sunshinestories. For me and Petter it’s like handing over our baby and we really have faith in these guys to make our Sunshinestories legacy run trough everything they do. A fun fact is that it was Tay & Alice, two of our first guests ever who referred them to us. Thank you girls!

Ellen is the front of house manager, she’s in charge of the good vibes and will probably be your first impression at the retreat. Mitch is head surf coach and he’ll lead you through a week of surf with his funny personality and never ending stoke. We asked them some questions about who they are, how they like Sri Lanka so far and what’s their favorite food on the Sunshinestories menu is, have a read below.


Meet Ellen

Age: 28
Home country: UK


How did your life look before you came to Sunshinestories: I was living in a lively little town on the Pacific coast of Mexico working as the Front House Manager of a yoga studio. Whilst it was fun for a while, I couldn’t see myself settling down there, and felt like I needed to surround myself with more likeminded people – luckily I found exactly that at Sunshinestories!

Before coming Sri Lanka, I hadn’t really considered it as an option for work or even just a surf destination. I was SO wrong.

How do you like Sri Lanka? It’s beautiful. Before coming Sri Lanka, I hadn’t really considered it as an option for work or even just a surf destination. I was SO wrong. The locals are some of the friendliest you’ll meet, the food is outrageously good and to surf in the warm water every day never gets old.

So far the summer season is my favourite season but shhh.. everything slows down a little bit and you’re able to get to know the culture and locals a little more.


How is the summer season here on the south coast? So far the summer season is my favourite season but shhh.. everything slows down a little bit and you’re able to get to know the culture and locals a little more. There is a cool breeze throughout the day and when it does rain, it’s super refreshing and is rarely more than a quick shower. I was wary of this season as I’d heard the surf wouldn’t be as good, but I’ve yet to see anything that can back that up! Oh and surfing in the rain – it’s euphoric!

Favorite surf break in Sri Lanka: This is a tough one. I have a soft spot for Lazy Rights, as that’s where I first learnt to turn my board properly, but this season I’ve been having so much fun surfing at The Island, it’s becoming a classic!

Favorite food at Sunshinestories: Impossible to choose, it’s all so tasty. We recently starting having pizza nights, and the pizza is THAT good that it’s ruined any other pizza for me. A good problem to have I reckon. Tonight is fish and chips, and the fish changes each week depending on what’s the freshest and bestest! So maybe right now I’ll say that’s what I’m looking forward to the most.

Favorite part of the Sunshinestories week: Whilst it’s the busiest day of the week for me, I have to say Sunday as that’s when the new retreat begins. It’s bittersweet as we also have to say goodbye to the previous guests, but I’m so excited to see who’s going to come through our villa gates each week, and spending time getting to know them.

I’m so excited to see who’s going to come through our villa gates each week, and spending time getting to know them.

Favorite dog at Sunshinestories: Bertil has stolen my heart! (but of course I love them all)

Meet Mitch

Age: 34
Home country: Pacific Ocean Australia


How did your life look before you came to Sunshinestories: Salty and sunny. I’ve been super lucky to have spent the last 10 years following this dream of surfing and teaching people to surf everyday.

How do you like Sri Lanka? I’m loving it ay, I’ve only explored a small pocket of the island and I’ve discovered so much already, I’m stoked to see what the other coasts have to offer! And I saw an elephant today, I really wanna do more of that as well…


The two best parts of the week is high fives with the locals and calling the guests onto bombs

How is the summer season here on the south coast? I surf every day – I feel like that’s too much information already! The floods were gnarly to read about but we only had a few of days rain there – so lucky… I like the summer season, everywhere gets super peaceful and it’s such a good time to get to know the locals better.
Favorite surf break in Sri Lanka: Sunrise at Kabalana. I didn’t expect to be unpacking my shortboard anytime soon once landing on Sri Lanka, but I was pleasantly surprised and still can’t believe how versatile the South coast is!

My favourite food is dinner, closely followed by breakfast. Everything is mind-blowingly good.

Favorite food at Sunshinestories: My favourite food is dinner, closely followed by breakfast. Everything is mind-blowingly good. The guys always roll their eyes when I say this, but it’s true – each day of the retreat, every time we have a meal, THAT’S the best food.
Favorite part of the Sunshinestories week: The two best parts of the week is high fives with the locals and calling the guests onto bombs
Favorite surf board: 7’4 soft top with hard fins is too much fun, my little Tomo has been getting a good workout at a place with waves lately and I hung five (for the first time!) on Linn’s pink Bing with a love heart on it at the same place with waves, so it’s also my favourite.


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