Den stora resan 1.0

Thailand, Thoughts, Travels

shopping in Bangkok


Bangkok has some amazing shopping! You just have to look further than Khaosan Road. Our best advice is to take a cab or the skytrain (Mo Chit Station) to Chatuchak weekend market. It one of the largest in the world with over 10 000 market stalls. I was there for the first time two months

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Bali, Surf, Travels

dreams of bali


jag ligger i petters säng i torekov och snörvlar. hela natten har jag sovit med öppen mun, eftersom jag inte kan andas med näsan. så när jag vaknade så kändes det som nån stått med en hårfön och blåst min mun snustorr. något som inte var snustorrt var mina drömmar om bali, det var sköna

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Food, Thailand, Travels

the breakfast club

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Thaimat och indokäk i all ära men efter två månader med nudlar och endast vit toast att tillgå är en riktig frukost det vi saknat och längtat efter allra mest. Bullar från Knut Jöns i Båstad, ost som man hyvlar med en riktig osthyvel, marmelader, kokt ägg, A-fil och müsli.. För mig som är vegetarian

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Thailand, Travels

pantip plaza


we went to the craziest possible warehouse in the world. the best possible place for electronic freaks like me. pantip plaza. three floors and a few ten thousand square meters filled with electronic devices. with an open space in the middle where people fly around with remote controlled airplanes, helicopters, flies, birds, you name it.

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Thailand, Travels

the reds


when we got the bangkok again the other day we got straight into the demonstrations. redshirts everywhere and a hell of a crazy mess. pretty scary with humves driving around everywhere and military armed with machineguns in every intersection. so the italian girl we shared a cab with freaked out. and the taxidriver wanted to

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Bali, Travels



The pink bathroom and the stonewalls feels a bit like Hollywood 1950, don’t you think? Me and petter take turns of how’s gonna do the laundry. Sometimes we think the hotel charges to much to do it for us.. And I think it is quite nice to work with my hands, to squeeze out all

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South africa, Sunshinstories Family, Travels



back in SA. we celebrated new years sucking helium out of balloons at a cool restaurant in port elisabeth. the day after we had breakfast at mcdonalds and then went straight out into the bush. to the quartaermains camp, to the amakhala and to the shamwari game reserve. a week before i accidentally called julie

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Bali, Travels



we are in europe. ralph lorent type of stores all along the roads. yeah kuta beach is awful but after been living on nudles and sleeping in a half clean bungalow on the beach for a few weeks its actually quite nice with some clean tables. a wifi hotspot and a biiiig cup of coffe.

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