
Malmö, Sweden

Friday on möllan

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We heard a sound, a drum rhythm that grew stronger and called us out on the street. The whole street was dancing. Neighbors, random people, all together! The group that played are called Kuru Mapu. So much joy! I wanna hire them to play on my birthday. Imagine on a beach with bbq and friends.. We

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Malmö, Skate, Sweden

March Mix


We’ve been pretty off-the-blog lately. Sorry about that. And it wasn’t long ago that we told you we thought about blogging less from Sweden and only focusing on our travels, but many readers commented and emailed about that asking us to post more from Sweden. So we listen, and here it comes! We will try

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Malmö, Restaurants

Dubbel Dubbel Malmö

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We started our opera evening with a dinner at Dubbel Dubbel, and got thrown back to borneo by the tastes of the Chinese kitchen. It’s amazing how senses and tastes can make you travel so fast. The food was good and the small restaurant was very nicely decorated but the personal approach was missing. Like the

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Friends, Malmö, Thoughts

Coming home


Me and petter have been talking about not posting any blog post about our everyday life here in Sweden anymore. Mostly because we feel it dosen’t give you or us anything, also because we think it’s boring.. But I like to show you how it is for us to come home so you can understand

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Malmö, Skate, Sweden

sun’s back

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Yesterday, our facebook and instagram feeds where full of bright, sunny images, with everyone telling us spring is here. The snow is apperently gone in Malmö. And it was as if the whole south part of Sweden felt it. The birds felt it. The dogs felt it. The outdoor beerdrinking guys felt it. Everyone. Even

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Malmö, Restaurants, Sweden

Jalla Jalla Falefel

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Det är svårt att tänka sig att kikärtsbollar är gott, men det är det. Falafel är nationalrätten i Malmö, och Jalla jalla falafel är ett av de bästa ställena du hittar det på. Fast egentligen är det inte svårt att hitta god falafel i Malmö, det finns små restauranger i nästan varje gatuhörn. För 25kr

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Malmö, Sweden

Autumn-morning-walk with Malibu!

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This morning we tolk a longer walk than we usually do. The light was really nice, autumn colors deluxe on the falling leaves and the air was super crisp. The town was still quiet, people was about to go to their jobs, but not us, the best thing about studying is all the nice flex

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