
Mexico, Restaurants, Thoughts

hippie hide away

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After visiting the big old mayan city we went to a funky place along the road to find us a bed. In the jungle, in the middle of nowhere there was three or four different hostels, a bunch of “hippies” and backpackers, a few restaurants, one of them italian and famous in the whole of

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California, Surf

Locals only


This is one of those places that only exists in dreams. It´s a hidden little village along the high way one with no signs left saying it even exists. At first we tought the locals in the town must be mad at the locals at the surf for taking the signs down all the time

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Bali, Lombok, Surf

groupuk sessions

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had more sessions then we can remember on this perfect little righthander in the middle of a huge bay.. waaaah it was fun. this one with our friend (aka dad ) vic who we also were surfing with on sri lanka a few months earlier. so cool to catch up again!

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nyepi 2011


When we got the Bali our plan was to meet Nick somewhere in the awful mud-hole called Kuta, for you who have been there youy know that the chance for that to happen, without even deciding a date or place to meet is pretty much zero. Believe it or not but within thirty minutes Nick

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we have found the world of the flintstones


imagine a city made of rocks, a mountain. one piece of stone that someone about two and a half thousand years ago decided to carv out buildings of. thats mamalapuram in tamil nadu, india. such an awesome place!! we really felt the presence of our old relatives living in these ancient caves, looking at their

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manroe island

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sitta i en båt i två timmar, glida runt i en jättestor by uppe i bergen i kerala. allt vi behövde göra var att ducka för broarna, och sitta och lyssna, lyssna till örnar, kingfishers, kossor som muade, folks som gjorde sina dagliga sysslor samt en kille som på hindi sjöng i en mikrofon nånstans

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Bali, Travels


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This day was one of our most epic days on our last journey. Imagine one of the coolest islands in the world, with loads and loads of culture, strong religion and old traditions. Imagine the whole island throwing a party on the same day, based on their strong island belief. That was what this day

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Bali, Thoughts, Travels

pocket full of stars


Kvinnorna på Bali var fantastiska. Jag tror faktiskt att jag vågar påstå att det är dem som får samhället att gå runt. I alla fall i dem hinduistiska delarna. Det var kvinnorna som ägde affärerna, skötte ekonomin, offrade till gudarna och såg till att barnen kom till skolan. Latare män har jag faktiskt inte stött

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