Local People
ice cream machine
I took a photo of these to guys chilling with the view. One of them turned around, and said, “hey, take a photo of this instead, aqui aqui!” “Hold on I’m just gonna clean up a little bit..” “Ey wait.. Hey you come here, you do it instead!” “Hahaha not like that!!”(Linn didn’t even know
Ceviche in a plastic cup
This raw fish dish, marinated in citrus fruits and chile has been around us all the way through central america. The places we’ve had it on haven’t been super, since it’s raw it’s so important it’s fresh. So we haven’t had very good excperiences of it even tough we love it soo much, and it’s
the coffee plantation
We went to a coffee plantation up in the hills overlooking the whole lake. It was pretty cool walking around there getting a feel for how hard they work in these countries to provide us with the black gold we every day drink liters of back home. I had an espresso, with beans roasted the
From a beach to a mountain town 2200 meter above the sea level, talk about culture chock. We got to San Cristobal de la Casas with a night bus from Huatolco and the first thing we did was to take a taxi to the restaurant Tierra’Dentro. Just the taxi part was a little mission and
the bali dick
två försäljare på bali. jävla försäljare tänker man. i kuta också, värsta sorten.. men vad har de gjort egentligen? för några år sedan var alla lokala lantbrukare och levde utan att använda pengar. vad hände, jo vi kom. det är klart att de kan vara lite jobbiga men om man sätter sig ner och snackar
padang padang
padang padang is balis most cranking wave and it needs soo much swell to go off. the ride is super short and its just constant barreling. on bali its really cool to chill out on the beach and watch the surf (when its too big), but this day it was just mad!!
nyepi 2011
When we got the Bali our plan was to meet Nick somewhere in the awful mud-hole called Kuta, for you who have been there youy know that the chance for that to happen, without even deciding a date or place to meet is pretty much zero. Believe it or not but within thirty minutes Nick