Listed as one of the best blogs in Sweden
Isabel Boltenstern listed us as one of the best blogs in Sweden.
Isabel Boltenstern listed us as one of the best blogs in Sweden.
Det här har vi glömt berätta, samma dag vi reste hemifrån så publicerades en artikel om oss i HD/NST. Kändes lagom fräckt o gå upp på avresemorgonen läsa om sin egen resa o sen började den där direkt liksom med en stressig biltur till flygplatsen och nu är vi i New York. Reslusten är maxad!
Like us on facebook and win one of our photos as a big canvas printing from canvaspicasso! When we reach 500 likes we´ll give away a sweet canvas to one of our likers randomly selected from our facebook page. The photo is of Mega Semadhi catching a sunset tube at Bingin, Bali. Press -> HERE!
Today I went to Naturkompaniet in Helsingborg to pick up two ûber-amazing backpacks. The name of the model is Kajka. And the company making them is Fjällräven. Fjällräven is also our next sponsor and one that we are very proud to present. It´s a swedish company sharing our passion for nature and exploration. It´s in
It almost sounds too good to be true.. But it’s happening! We are going to be sponsored by Billabong on our upcoming trip. Can you believe it? One of the biggest surf brands in the world. And they are going to supply us with boardshorts, bikinis, wetsuits and other awesome surf gear. Wow!
This video as been virtually been flying around in cyberspace. But it´s so incredible i have to blog it even if its old news for the 5,4 million people who’s already watched it on vimeo.
You are a surfer. You have a dream of a perfect world. You go to Bali. And you experience this. And it turnes out to be the dream of the dreams.. For me thats incredible.
5th surfing day in a row, and this is in Sweden. Next week looks superawesome aswell which probably will make a few really nice spots go off. But the morningsession today was just too sweet. It was windy the whole night, and just before sunrise a high pressure came in overland and turned the wind
Imagine one of the most beautiful places on earth. Then add a great wave, or actually waves. And of top of that; a restaurant overlooking all of it. A place where you can relax after some hardcore surf, take a healthy juice or grab a cold Bintang beer. Add a cool store with all the
Midsommar afton i Skåne, giftemål, en fin dag, Mia & Packe, två ringar, massa känslor, massa glada människor, massa galna idéer, jag och Linn, vår första bröllopsfotografering och en tandemcykel. Tack för att vi fick fotografera er! /Petter & Linn