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kolla in cajsas blogg om ni vill se hur vi såg ut efter världens högsta bungyjump. när jag ser bilderna från det jäkla hoppet igen så ryser jag. riktigt ordentligt. gaaaaah vad det var häftigt! helt obeskrivligt. Cajsas days
kolla in cajsas blogg om ni vill se hur vi såg ut efter världens högsta bungyjump. när jag ser bilderna från det jäkla hoppet igen så ryser jag. riktigt ordentligt. gaaaaah vad det var häftigt! helt obeskrivligt. Cajsas days
a rivermouth. a god damn beautiful scenery. some green hills to roll around on. long white beaches filled with colourfull shells. one of south africas best waves that goes off almost every day. a lonely backpackers on a field with a bunch of cool people staying there. that is the end of one of all
first days of bali. we started of to rent a scooter and two surfboards at kuta. the day after we headed to a lonely beach with the most perfect wave rolling a couple of hundred meters day in and day out. layed back people, no regular annoying tourists and we have surf for as long
Driving off from the big road (N2) to the small shitty road that Petter wrote about feelt like driving into another country. Green hills, small villages with small blue huts, running children, cows trotting along the road. And it actually was an independent country until 1994. It was called Transkei and apertheid never existed there.
hey! they got free internet here at suvunburrnunur-what’s-the-name airport so I tought I was just gonna tell you guys that we’re alive and well. Can’t wait to see what bali is like.. So many people all saying diffrent things! I’m hoping for aloot of waaaves, sweet sun and cheap food!
okey laos really chocked us. such a cool place! and everything is green. totally green. the busride was horrible tough. tonight we crossed the border at the mekong river and after that we changed buss. and what a bus.. me and linn had to take turns to sit on a blue plastic chair in the
man kan nog inte undvika bangkok. ingen vill leva eller vara här men ändå har staden 12 miljoner invånare. eller 18. ingen vet riktigt. vi ville inte tillbaka hit. ändå sitter vi här i en park mellan några buddhistiska tempel. vi har hittat vårt smultronställe och här känns det verkligen inte som bangkok. linn ligger
this road deserves its own post. not beacouse its great scenery, even if it is pretty cool. its because of how shitty it is. the area of all the potholes it has is probably bigger then the area of the reamaining road. and there is so much people trying to make a living on the